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Kruskal’s Algorithm to construct minimum spanning tree in javascript

✨ Algorithm

Add the minimum cost edge if it won't cause a cycle until connecting n-1 edges.
  • For n nodes, n-1 edges is required for constructing minimum spanning tree.
  • For detecting cycle, union-find algorithm is used.
var minimumCost = function (n, connections) {
  // sort cost ascendingly.
  // [ begin, end, cost]
  connections.sort((a, b) => a[2] - b[2]);

  const uf = new UnionFind(n);
  let res = 0;

  for (const [u, v, cost] of connections) {
    // if u and v are not connected (don't have a cycle)
    if (uf.find(u) !== uf.find(v)) {
      res += cost;
      // connect and make it one.
      uf.union(u, v);

  // if all nodes are connected (only one component is there), return the cost.
  return uf.getComponents() === 1 ? res : -1;

🗒️ Typical problem