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Monotonic stack in javascript

✨ Algorithm

To find the "next" element based on some criteria
  • When stack is not empty, before we push a num onto the stack, we first pop from the stack if the monotonic property would be violated.
  • Store value (or index) to the stack.

⬆️πŸ”₯ (A) Find larger value

// nums[]
const stack = [];

for (const [i, num] of nums.entries()) {
  // When current value is greater than last value in stack
  //      nums[i]             >         nums[];
  // the larger value is found.
  while (stack.length && nums[] < num) {
    const pop = stack.pop();

    // do something


{/* ### β¬†οΈπŸ’‘ (A.1) Tips */}

⬇️πŸ”₯ (B) Find smaller value

// nums[]
const stack = [];

for (const [i, num] of nums.entries()) {
  // When current value is smaller than last value in stack
  //      nums[i]             <         nums[];
  // the smaller value is found.
  while (stack.length && nums[] > num) {
    const pop = stack.pop();

    // do something


{/* ### β¬‡οΈπŸ’‘ (A.1) Tips */}

πŸ—’οΈ Typical problems



πŸ“š References