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πŸ€– leetcode 37. Sudoku Solver | hard | backtrack | javascript

πŸ—’οΈ Problems

Sudoku Solver - LeetCode


✨ Idea

  • Applied backtrack one by one from 1 to 9 in empty cells.
  • In backtrack, proceed to the right one by one, and if you go to the end of col, proceed from the beginning of the next row.
  • If it is not valid while proceeding, return and restore the changes from the backtrack to apply other changes.
  • In the case of a valid change, it continues and ends with return true when it reaches the end.

πŸ€ Intuition

9x9 matrix μ•ˆμ—μ„œ 3x3 box indexing

const rc2box = (r, c) => 3 * Math.floor(r / 3) + Math.floor(c / 3);

Validity check using hashset

  • Like n-queens, validated numbers in row, column, and box units are configured as a hash set to check validity.
const possible = (r, c, value) => {
  if (setRow[r].has(value)) return false;
  if (setCol[c].has(value)) return false;
  if (setBox[rc2box(r, c)].has(value)) return false;
  return true;

πŸ”€ Generate number using backtrack

  • Generate numbers -> backtrack then proceed.
  • In case of failure while proceeding, return to remove previously applied changes and apply other changes.
for (let i = 1; i <= 9; i += 1) {
  if (!possible(r, c, i)) continue;

  // apply change
  board[r][c] = "" + i;
  addSet(r, c, i);

  // go further
  if (backtrack(r, c + 1)) return true;

  // remove change
  board[r][c] = ".";
  deleteSet(r, c, i);

πŸ”€ πŸ’‘ Termination Handling on Backtrack

  • It was difficult to know how to handle the final shutdown while proceeding through backtrack...
  • In order to prevent the backtrack changes from being executed after the final end of the backtrack, a boolean return is made, so if a true return is made accordingly, the entire return is made.
    const backtrack = (r, c) => {
        for (let i = 1; i <= 9; i += 1) {
            if (!possible(r, c, i)) continue;

            board[r][c] = "" + i;
            addSet(r, c, i);

            if (backtrack(r, c+1)) return true;

            board[r][c] = ".";
            deleteSet(r, c, i);
        return false;

    backtrack(0, 0);

πŸ”€ πŸ”₯ My Solution

 * @param {character[][]} board
 * @return {void} Do not return anything, modify board in-place instead.
var solveSudoku = function (board) {
  const [ROWS, COLS] = [board.length, board[0].length];

  const setRow = Array(ROWS)
    .map((_) => new Set());
  const setCol = Array(COLS)
    .map((_) => new Set());
  const setBox = Array(ROWS)
    .map((_) => new Set());

  const rc2box = (r, c) => 3 * Math.floor(r / 3) + Math.floor(c / 3);

  for (let r = 0; r < ROWS; r += 1) {
    for (let c = 0; c < COLS; c += 1) {
      if (board[r][c] === ".") continue;

      setBox[rc2box(r, c)].add(+board[r][c]);

  const addSet = (r, c, value) => {
    setBox[rc2box(r, c)].add(+value);

  const deleteSet = (r, c, value) => {
    setBox[rc2box(r, c)].delete(+value);

  const possible = (r, c, value) => {
    if (setRow[r].has(value)) return false;
    if (setCol[c].has(value)) return false;
    if (setBox[rc2box(r, c)].has(value)) return false;
    return true;

  const backtrack = (r, c) => {
    if (c === COLS) {
      r += 1;
      c = 0;
    if (r === ROWS) {
      return true;

    if (board[r][c] !== ".") return backtrack(r, c + 1);

    for (let i = 1; i <= 9; i += 1) {
      if (!possible(r, c, i)) continue;

      board[r][c] = "" + i;
      addSet(r, c, i);

      if (backtrack(r, c + 1)) return true;

      board[r][c] = ".";
      deleteSet(r, c, i);
    return false;

  backtrack(0, 0);

  return board;